
Showing posts from July, 2008


after a bit of a button-buying spree, i've been finishing up lots of stuff! i get way too excited about buttons. first off, a made-up-as-i-go sweater for my panda, story. if i tweaked this pattern some, i could try working up another for the shop. i'm just not sure if the type 2 is all that popular. and this kitty-ear hat which has already sold! and just today i finished off and listed another new hat today. my squall doesn't usually get to model my hats due to her huge unruly mane of hair, but this one was big enough to pull down and keep it somewhat in check. i've also listed my first human-sized item: a little blue buttony wrist cuff. more to come! in fact, there is a something awaiting a particular type of thread right now. my profile post is up at the doll couture team blog ! yay.

happy 4th!

just a note: last day of the sale! and we have a couple of fun treasuries going right now: and happy july to everyone else. (=


the doll couture team is having a 4th of july sale! here's my sale section. there's more awesome stuff marked down in a lot of other doll couture shops . some of this stuff makes me wish i had a blythe... here are some works in progress. one is already listed, and the rest is waiting for some supplies. along with some other non-hat items...