
Showing posts from November, 2008

still here.

hello again! so much for nablopomo, i guess.. work has been interfering with my crafting time, leaving me with not much to blog about here. i can, however, tell you about my latest etsy purchase... from twinklyspangle ! fabulously bright and fun stuff. love it! i wore the star earrings out to dinner with my friend, and she said i looked like jem . (= have a look at my flickr stream for more photos. i'm feeling kind of crappy and sick, so i think i'll wrap it up here.. hope everyone else is feeling better for thanksgiving!


i finally finished up the new hat for my shop, and when it came time for picture-taking... grey and rainy again. i got a few shots in, and listed anyway.. and it sold already! hooray! makes me want to buy more yarn.. i would really like to start making more human-sized things, though. there are a couple things i'm working on that are still not "perfect" yet, but i hope to get them up soon. i do have one thing for peoples up on dawanda... want to see my dawanda shop? how atrocious is my french, really?

this is awesome.

if you're into vintage dolls (i am!), you'll dig this. i just found this great etsy shop, heysaylor . they sell greeting cards featuring photography that stars old-school barbie & friends, in vaguely dirty situations. ha! i don't know why this tickles me so much, but it does. hehe. my mom had those same midge and alan dolls, and i used to play with them all the time as a kid. i wonder if they're still up in the attic somewhere... i think this is going to be this year's christmas card for my best friend. when do people start sending out holiday cards, anyway?


things i am doing lately... -catching up with podcasts. cast on and this american life today. -thinking about dressforms. the "uniquely you" sounds really interesting... - plurking , of course. -finishing up something new for the shop.. (a kittycat hat!) -working on a custom order. another hat, this one a little different.. there will be pictures soon. hee... -reading david copperfield . it is so much easier to knit while reading from a computer monitor rather than trying to hold a book open.

blogging about blogs, pt 2

i keep wanting to post as in plurk mode. synesthetic has: a headache. to help wind down, i will type a bit about blogs. (= at crafty leftovers you can get a monthly subscription for a kit made up of reclaimed crafty stuff, a pattern, and a zine. you can also find tutorials, patterns, reviews... just go look, there's tons to see! corporate free christmas has lots of ideas for gift-making instead of buying this holiday season. this was a timely find for me, since i've decided that this year is going to be handmade gifts only. there's a link to a coaster tutorial that's giving me some ideas... brooklyntweed is another great knitblog. it's worth reading for the beautiful photography alone. also, more patterns. (= lastly, check out the spotted sparrow . she's an etsy seller who does gorgeous papercrafts (if that's the correct term?). her weekly tutorials are really inspiring. and that's where i found this quiz: Take the Quiz here! i'm no...


now i see how people burn out on this daily posting thing, haha. weekends are tough for this especially.. that's when most of my hours at work are, and so i don't settle down with the computer until pretty late. i have to try and get to bed soon, but i can tell you that tomorrow i'll be putting together another post about more blogs that i read. exciting, eh? other nablopomo-ers.. here's my profile page! soon it will actually say things and stuff. also, is anyone else doing one hundred pushups ? i could use some encouragement. the most i can do now is about.. 12. \=

something else for button lovahs...

so, um.. you know how i'm kind of into buttons? (i may have mentioned it once or twice ...) as you would expect, i am loving this. share in the button love! so cute. and there are even matching pins! love. in other news... not much. i'll be working all weekend, and boyfriend returns tomorrow after being gone for a month! i'll do my best to stick with nablopomo, but no shop news until monday. (= happy weekend!


i joined dawanda recently to have a look around. it looks really cool, and it's nice to have a handmade marketplace geared towards europeans. today i put my meager french knowledge to use and listed a few items there. want to have a look? i don't mind giving it a try, since it costs nothing to make a listing at the moment. and they even have stats there! i'm impressed. i managed to get some photos of the new hat i finished, despite the crappy weather today.. i'll be listing this one on etsy soon. now, off to more knitting...


today was amazingly warm here in new england.. i headed out to walk to the bank this afternoon and had to turn right around to put back my coat. it was lovely. i used my day off to run some errands and finish up something for the shop (though not soon enough to photograph..). also, i've been thinking about listing some things on dawanda, perhaps. it looks pretty nice over there, and i do speak a little french.. well, i'm going to try and pull myself away from plurk and get to bed a little earlier than usual. a more interesting post tomorrow, i hope. (= i was up far too late last night watching election stuff, but i couldn't help it. it was too exciting. (and in a good way this time around! things are looking up.)


so i found out about nablopomo through etsy a few months ago. i meant to read about it more, but i forgot until yesterday! sounds like fun and i could use the encouragement to post more. i ended up having to go into work today after all, so i haven't gotten to sign up for the ning and read up just yet. it also means i didn't get to work on stuff for the shop... (sigh) i've been up plurking and watching election coverage for too long, so i guess it'll be a short post tonight.. will be heading off to bed to dream of my new sock yarn. ( araucania , mmm.. but my claudia hand painted is next in line.)

artisans challenge

my entry is up in the new artisans challenge! it is the 11/3 challenge. i'm super excited to see how i do. i entered my little pullip cardigan. what do you think? spare a vote? (= etsyers, go and enter your own stuff too. you can also do an artisan profile that will be posted on their blog. the holidays are coming up... well, i'm off to get ready for work. i have a few days off this week so i'm going to finish some things up for the shop. i've also forgotten about nablopomo until today, so i'll probably be posting about that tomorrow... (= see ya!