
Showing posts from December, 2008


so, i have failed at nablopomo. (see my sidebar for proof ->) maybe next year i will be better prepared. which is what i always say, i guess.. in fact, i am still making last-minute christmas knitting decisions. i always make something for my boyfriend's little brother, usually a stuffed animal. since he's getting a bit older, i thought maybe this year i would knit a hat. not a warm, practical hat (they live in the desert!) but something fun, like a costume-type thing. boyfriend immediately suggested the chicken viking hat . (and he's not even a knitter!) so there's a possibility.. here are the others i've been considering: - brainmonster . sort of a basic winter-type hat, but boyfriend thinks he'd like it. - ogre my ogre . he likes shrek! - goomba hat . also definitely a super mario fan. - kids pirate hat . i really like this one.. he could even use it on halloween! - shark hat . basically a shark eating someone's head. really cool and ...